The School Photography Club encourages students to capture beautiful moments and memories through photography. Photography is not just about capturing the beauty of the world but also the beauty in the photographer’s mind. School photography is also a form of storytelling, allowing students to develop their creativity and skills. Mastering photography helps students with micro aspects of art and life, develops keen analysis and observation habits, and showcases creativity through events, exhibitions, and contests.

Students learn to build systems, make policies, solve problems, run operations, lead search projects, articulate ideas, and get a ringside view of the government – skills needed to succeed in every field.

The STEHM Program is designed to support and encourage students to master fundamental concepts of exciting topics covering Astronomy, Aero Dynamics, Data Sciences, Experimental Scienc~ & Electronics, Rocketry & Aerospace engineering, and more, through a s’eries of interactions and activities guided by trained M’entor-Scientists of repute. The activities are carefully curated to integrate with their learning schedule and support the requirement , of any mini projects to further their qesire for higher learning. Some core objectives of -the club are- To establish a strong .sense of community and instill a culture among students to .encourage -senior to junior peer learning and’ to create lasting alumni connect on par with leading premier institutes. • Improve .access to resources by providing high-quality content and training • Make it easl’for students to •fe~ch and connect with reputed professors, scientists, and industry expert~ • Increase the confidence of students to pursue challenging subjects and communicate their work effectively. • Ignite creativity and curiosity in students to help them ideate and innovate. • Prepare the students for hiring opportunities in industry and academia, while providing adequate exposure to entrepreneurship as well.
Under the able guidance of Mr. Jai Sharma, who is a passionate Nature and wildlife Educator for National Geographic & member of IUCN CEC, students embark on the journey of finding deeper connections with nature and learning more about Biodiversity, its role, and our dependency on it. Students will have the opportunity to learn about butterflies and insects, native plants and animals, and how our actions impact the environment. They get the unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience with gardening and other activities. Students participate in various activities like water monitoring, lake visits, tree planting etc They understand garden and soil interrelationship, the causes of carbon emissions which lead to global warming and climate change, and how it can be reduced.
The Programme equips the students with the skills to analyze a topic, think logically, frame meaningful sentences, and present their thoughts in front of the audience. By learning how to speak in public, students will be able to build their self-confidence. It prepares students to become effective speakers and develop leadership ability, and interpersonal communication and facilitates decision-making and problem-solving skills.
The course is designed to lay a strong foundation for the basics of Robotics and includes training students on understanding the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics of Robotics. In the age of Inter-Planetary exploration and automation, Robotics is a topic of curiosity and interests students of all age groups. The students undergoing Robotics training understand the Robotics principles, learn computer programming logic with the Icon Programming tool, get equipped to participate in Robotics Competitions, and will be able to build creativity, innovation, teamwork, and problem-solving skills
The financial literacy club emphasizes on the benefits of being financially literate and provides knowledge to reach financial goals and gather knowledge about wealth creation helps them in effective management of money and debt. helps in learning the process of trading by following the regulations of Stock exchange.
The dance club is open to any student, irrespective of whether they know to dance or not. The dance club believes that a_nybody can dance, and all you need is the heart to dance. Dance is a way to express one’s emotions and feelings. The club enables students to display an understanding of expressions and rhythm. Students will be taught classical, folk and contemporary dance forms.
The guitar club ~ill provide an opportunity for students to learn about and practice the guitar. It is open to all students, and they learn how to compose music , understand the different learning techniques, and will be involved in band activity .
Theatre Club activity will be based on high-octane training and will provide students with the opportunity to experiment with professional theatre while learning a range of new skills and techniques. Throughout the training, students will develop their acting skills, directing abilities, and scri pt reading and writing capabilities. They will also learn about body and mind dynamic movement, as well as gain exposure to the professional theatre world. In addition to this, the training will include lessons on mime and movement, theatre games with metaphorical meanings, and an introduction to both Indian and Western classical plays. Furthermore, the tr aining will cov er additional theatrical skills, such as vocal projection, character development, stage presence, improvisation, and ensemble work. These skills are essential for any aspiring actor or th eatre enthusiast and will help students to develop their confidence, communication, creativity, and teamwork abilities.
The Art and craft Club is an interactive and innovative platform that brings out the full potential of creative young minds. It not only helps explore the exceptional talent of the students but also instills in them new perspectives towards different modes and forms of Art, where students are taught how to make the best out of waste with clay modelling, pottery, painting, Knitting, crochet, stitching and embroidery. This builds upon a spirit of teamwork, originality and novelty. Setting craft activities is a great way to engage kinaesthetic and visual learners.